On 16.11.16 Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Kitchlu Nagar commemorated and tributed the great symbol of martyrdom S.Kartar Singh Sarabha on his 101th martyrdom day. In Sketch Making and Portrait Making competitions students from VI to X being influenced by the bravery and intellectual expertancy of this great revolutionist sketched him according to their own imaginations. A documentary on the life history of S.Kartar Singh Sarabha made the students aware of the great deeds of the first ranked patriot of India. Paying tribute to this great personality Principal Mrs.Neelam Mittar messaged the students- Unmask every anti nation element and always be ready to endure any calamity for thebetterment of the nation.
Results of Potrait Making Competition for class IX & X
First Nitish Verma
Second Amreen Kaur
Results of Sketch Making Competition for class VI to VIII
First Ramandeep Kaur
Second Rajat Rana
Third Aastha,Vinayak Jain